Sunday, January 10, 2010

Huge Check List

WATER & PURIFICATIONStore a minimum of 2 gallons per day per person for 2 weeks(approximately 30 gallons per person).For added safety, store 55 gallons per person which would provideabout for 4 weeks of water per person (they're also the least expenseper gallon for storage use).Use only brand new, never used containers for your water storage reserves.Emergency Water Suggestions:Heavy Duty Plastic Water Storage Barrels for Home*Home Counter Top Gravity Water Filter (Katadyn or AquaRain)*Camping Water FilterEmergency Water Rations (pouches)*Collapsible Water Container(s)Plastic Sheeting (to catch rain water)Water Purification Tabs [Mircopur or Potable Aqua] or Iodine Crystals (PolarPure)*Oxy-Stabile or Aerobic 07 Five year water stablizer (for stored water)EMERGENCY FOODNext to water, food is a vital part of any preparedness plan. Foodconsiderationsyou should be looking at when making your emergency kits are emergency foodsthat have a longstorage life and that are made to be non-thirst provoking and are not effectedby exreme heat orcold. Lifeboat "Emergency Rations" are ideal for this use. Foods for homereserves should consist of both normal store bought foods(a 2 to 4 week supply on hand) and a variety of long storing freeze-dried ordehydrated foods. Foods should be lightweight, compact, and require norefrigeration,preparation or cooking. For long term storage, freeze-dried foods are our #1recommendation. Freeze-dried foods like Mountain House® have up to a 25 yearshelf-life, making them ideal for emergency backup. In addition they requiremuch less water and require nocooking or preparation. These are our top sellers today.Emergency Food Suggestions:Extra 2 to 4 weeks of store boughtnon-refrigerated foods*Freeze-Dried Foods in Pouches or #10 SizeCans*Military MRE Ready to Eat Meals* (excellent for run & go evacuations)Emergency Food Ration Bars for Kits (3600k)*Survival Food Tablets*High-Energy Powdered DrinksLong Storing Vitamins (SupraNutra)Instant Powdered Soup MixesInstant Oatmeal PacketsDisposable Bowls, Cups & UtensilsFoods for PetsHigh Energy Hard CandyRecomendation: Write the purchase date on all food packages. Most storebought foods will require rotation within 12 months.FIRST-AID SUPPLIESHaving a good quality first-aid kit on hand at home and one in your 72 hour kitis like money in the bank. Wounds treated immediately have less possibility ofbecoming life threatening.Medical assistance may be hours to days away. Be preparedwith a good supply of first-aid supplies. We highly recommend taking some basicfirst-aid & CPR classes from your local Red Cross chapter or your firedepartment. First-aid help after a disaster is critical. You could save alife...perhaps someone you dearly love.First-Aid Suggestions:Group Size Comprehensive 1st-Aid or Trauma Kit *Compact Car/72 Hour Kit First Aid Kit(s) [KnuckleMender™]Oral Rehydration Salts [CeraLyte®]Extra Prescription Medications (4 to 8 weeks for Home Use)*Medications (for 72 hour kit)*Extra Bandages, Gauze, etc.Surgical Exam Gloves (for wound cleaning)Extra Asprin & Ibuprofen*Dental Emergency KitChapstick or Blistex*Emergency Surgical/Suture Kit(In an extreme crisis, it will be easier to find a medical professional who canused your supplies than expect to find one with supplies themselves)Detailed & Easy to Understand First-Aid Book or Manual* [National Safety CouncilFirst-Aid Handbook]SANITATIONNext to water, food and first-aid, sanitation considerations are essential.Sanitation is often overlooked. Most don't want to think about it, but it isof utmost importance. Unsanitary conditions bring about disease and dysentery(lower intestinal tract producing severe pain and diarrhea). Put this area highon your preparedness list.Sanitation Suggestions:Toilet Tissue Rolls (buy in bulk)*Alcohol Wet Wipes or Alcohol Gel*Portable Chemical Toilet (home)*Toilet Odor Chemical (Bio-Blue)Double Lined Toilet Bag Liners (heavy-duty only to minimize breakage)*Large Rubber Bands (to seal liners)Liquid/Bar SoapLatex or Nitrile GlovesPlastic Storage Barrel for Waste StorageChlorine Bleach (sanitation disinfectant and water purification.For water purification: 1 tsp per 5 gallons)Specially marked trash cans or sealed survival cache barrels normally used tostore supplies can be used afterward to store sanitation waste for laterdisposal. See our storage containers under "sanitation".PERSONAL HYGIENENot as essentail but will make life more comfortable living in disasterconditions.Toothbrush & PasteComb or BrushHair ShampooSolar or Hotman ShowerShaving RazorContact Lens & SolutionFeminine Hygiene SuppliesChapstickSmall Metal MirrorBar or Liquid SoapWet-Wipe Towelletes or Alcohol GelSmall Tissue PacksFIRE PROTECTIONYou may need to quickly put out a small fire when help is unavailable.Cheap insurance for any home or car.Fire Protection Suggestions:Two (one for the home and garage) LARGE 5 to 10 lb. A-B-C extingusher rated forallfire types. Be safe. Get several. You'll be on your own!Several Boxes of Baking Soda [Arm & Hammer]* (helps put out small grease orelectrical fire bysmothers the flames)COMMUNICATIONSThe need to know what is happening and recommended evacuation routes isessential. Also helps kill time and lessens stress when no TV or power isavailable.Communication Suggestions:Cell Phone w/ 12v Battery ChargerGood Am/Fm Radio (battery operatedwith possible solar and or windup power generator [FreePlay Plus])Am/Fm w/ TV, Weatherband or SW Radio12 volt Battery TVExtra Cell Phone & Radio Batteries(Alkaline, Rechargeable Metal Hydride and 10 Yr. Lithium recommended. Minimum3 sets)*Solar Battery ChargerLoud Whistle*List of Important Phone NumbersPolice ScannerCompass & Detailed Map of Your Area *Pen, Pencil, Paper pad, tape*Stamped Postcards (the mail will go through)EMERGENCY LIGHTINGWe recommend having several backup sources of light. Be sure to store plentyof extra batteries & bulbs. LED flashlights and lanterns will provide longerlight use but not as bright of light.Lighting Suggestions:Mulitple Flashlights w/ Spare Batteries 7 BulbsLED Flashlights & LanternsExtra Batteries (alkaline / lithium) Min. 3 sets*Instant Lightsticks (Green, Yellow or White are best)Kerosene Lamps or Lanterns (Dietz®or Aladdin® recommended)Battery-Powered Camping LanternLong-Burning CandlesPropane Lantern—when safe to usePropane Fuel Bottles or bulk BBQ tanks2000 - 6000 Watt Portable Generator (dual fuel type best)Generator/Auto GasolineFuel PreserverHEATING & COOKINGSmall folding stoves like the Esbit Stove work best in 72 hour kits.Heating & Cooking Suggestions:Kits: Folding Esbit® StoveNuwick® Candle w/Folding StoveReplacement Fuel TabletsWaterproof MatchesFirestarter SticksInstant Hand/Body WarmersMagnesium Fire Starter StickHome: Kerosene or Propane combo Heater & CookerWood Fireplace w/ Lots of WoodSpare Propane (16 oz. or 5 bulk tanks w/ hoses)Spare Kerosene (5 to 10 gallons)Blankets & ShelterA variety of choice for you to consider. How will you keep warm in the middle ofwinter? Traveling? At home?Blanket & Shelter Suggestions:Kits: Compact SPACE® BlanketsReinforced All-Weather BlanketsUtility Wool BlanketsThermo-Lite Bivy BagCompact SPACE® Sleeping BagSurvival Sleeping BagStandard Sleeping BagHeavy Winter JacketsPopup Camping TentHome: Extra Wool Blankets 0° to 20° Rated Seeeping BagsOTHER SURVIVAL GEARYou maySurvival Gear Suggestions:Pre-Made 72 Hour KitsDust MasksLeather Work GlovesDuct TapeRolled Plastic Sheeting 3 mil ThicknessFire Escape Ladder for 2nd/3rd Floor HomesSmoke DetectorPlastic Tarps (for shelter or protectingexposed personal property3 to 4' CrowbarGas/Water Shutoff Tool or Adj. WrenchShovels3' Bolt CuttersCamping Wood Saw & Spare BladesChain Saw w/ Spare Chain Set, Oil & FuelConstruction "Bump" Helmet 100 to 500' of Heavy Nylon Rope(shelter, towing, heavy pulling, etc.)Assorted tools, screw-drivers, hammers, etc.Plastic Eye Protection GogglesPlastic Zip-Ties (hundreds of uses)Self-Contained Motor HomePotassium Iodide Radiation TabletsPersonal Protection Items (pepper spray,stun guns, handgun, rifle, ammo, etc.)*KNIVESUsed for a variety of uses. Multi-Tools are especially useful.Knife Suggestions:Multi-Function Pocket KnifeMulti-Tool (SOG/Leatherman)EVACUATION MASKSUsed for breathing dust-free air in an emergency.Mask Suggestions:Std. Dust Mask3m HD Dust MasksEvac-U-8 Smoke HoodsCNBC Gas MasksSTORAGE CONTAINERSShould be strong, water-resistant, and lightweight.Cache Storage BarrelPlastic BucketsWaist Pack or Backpack —for 72 hr gear*INFANTS & TODDLERSThink of your childs specific needs.Suggestions:Baby Formula and/or Dry Cereal*Large Box of Disposable Diapers*Baby Wet-Wipes*Baby Blanket/Jacket & Knit Cap*Cash/MoneyIt is importand to have a "cash reserve on hand" for use in a disaster. Thephonelines will be down that authorize credit cards and checks. Most businesses onlytakecash when this happens.Cash Suggestions:Phone change (when the phones are active again). 1 to 10 rolls of quartersSmall bills $1, $5, $10's (Goal: $500+) Banks will not be open. ATM's notworking.Longer Term Cash Reserve (1 to 3 months living expenses) away from the bankPhone card (might be usuable)Morale BoostersWe recommend having a variety of morale boosters on hand to help occupy childrenand adults. These can consist of books, games, crossword puzzels etc.Morale Boosters:Small games, Puzzles, Playing Cards*Small set of Holy ScripturesPocket BooksChewing or Bubble GumHard Tac Sucking CandyOther Treats or SnacksRecommended BooksWe have found the following books useful and provide helpful suggestions.Book Suggestions:"Sense of Survival" Book"Preparing for Emergencies” Book"72 Hour Preparedness Checklist" Book"Survival in Today's Turbulent Times" BookSee our other books offered under "Books"* Items marked with an (*) are items we recommend aquiring first in priority,then added as many additional items as you can.__________

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